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Common FAQs

Yes, we do provide custom services. We also make custom packages of our displayed services for more affordability. You can chat with us to clear any doubts. If you are in a hurry, just fill the contact form on this page and our expert team member will contact you within a few hours.

We run Special Limited Time Offers for our Members. You can find all the offers via the Membership Dashboard and Inside our Newsletter Emails. We also run monthly giveaways to help the blogging community.

Due to Digital Nature of Services, we do not work with refunds. Our services are given by our hard working team members. Apart from services, we also deal in many eBooks and Paid Courses. Anything which is once downloaded is yours and there is no scope left for claiming any refunds. If you are in doubts, we encourage you to chat with us to clear your doubts before you make a purchase with us.

Some Important Links

We think you might be looking for our Privacy Policies and Terms Page. You can also read about us for more information.